Despite Covid interfering now and again, we managed a pretty full Junior Lacrosse 2021/22 season.
Our Girls’ programme continued to grow with the u11 group playing their first games and, now that the Programme is established, are looking forward to more regular games at all age group levels in 2022/23.
The Boys u12’s retained the Holder Trophy in the Autumn travelling on tour to Manchester in early March winning the Saturday game against Timperley and coming a very close second to Mellor on the Sunday morning. Having tied the event, being placed as Runners Up by one goal on a ‘goals against’ countback in the National u12s Tournament in May, the team, coaches and parents were left with mixed feelings – really pleased at the achievement but a little disappointed for the guys at what might have been ☹. Soooooo close!

The Boys u15’s travelled to Manchester in early November winning games against Timperley and Stockport. The International School in Brussels restarted their annual May Tournament following a Covid hiatus and we were keen to participate. Our Team travelling to Brussels was a bit below event age group but did really well with the event being a totally positive experience. It certainly helped the oldest u12s, who had stepped up for the event, in their challenges a little later in the season.

Over the Summer we’ve been running a short ‘conversion’ programme giving the chance to Year 4 and Year 5 Pop Laxers the chance to try ‘the real thing’. This programme drew to a close at the beginning of July with Field Lacrosse game on the Spencer Astro drawing together the u12s and ‘the newly converted’. Huge fun!

Summer Camp
The year-long u12/13 Programme finally closes with a short Summer Camp at Spencer on 21stand 22ndJuly – use this link for details and sign up
See you in September!!