Spencer Lacrosse London

London's premiere lacrosse club for players of all abilities


Club Committee

Ben Thompson
email: b.c.thompson.uk@gmail.com

Head Coach
Peter Compton
email: petercompton@hotmail.co.uk
tel: 07714340582

Nick Flew
email: nick.flew@hotmail.co.uk

Hon. Secretary
Tom Bailey
email: tbailey358@gmail.com

Vice Chair
Gabe Barrie
email: gabrielhsbarrie@gmail.com

Membership and Kit
Lauren Nash
email: laurentnash@sky.com

Social Secretary
Carlei Cruz
email: carleianne.vogue@hotmail.co.uk

Safeguarding Officer
Harry Parker
email: Harryaparker99@gmail.com

Men's Club Captain
Will Barrie
email: williamfsbarrie@gmail.com

Women's Captain
Noora Virtanen
email: n.virtanen1@gmail.com

Women's Fixtures Secretary
Millie Belcher
email: milly.belcher@gmail.com

Men's Fixtures Secretary
Felix Bull
email: spencer.mlax@gmail.com

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