The Junior Season - what a really good one - sadly, it's drawing to a close

A Brief Summary

The season drew to a close for most of us with a bit of a damp squib. After winning the South Flags, we didn’t do ourselves any justice at the National Tournament and missed several experienced players at the South Six a Sides.

Nonetheless, the Season was massively successful for the team winning both the Holder Trophy and the Flags – we just didn’t win everything!!. If you sit down and think about the age and experience of our team, it makes these results even more remarkable – and the future just a little exciting! Everyone should be very satisfied with what has been achieved – it’s been excellent!

What’s Next?

A team representing London will play Poynton on Sunday 27th April in Reading. Several of our players have been selected for this game and I will make contact directly with those involved – generally, these are players in Year 7.

Honeywell School have progressed to the Second Round of the National Pop Lacrosse Tournament – this is due to be played on Friday 9th May. Practice sessions will be held after school on Wednesday 31st April and 7th May. Formal invitations will be issued from the school – obviously this only affects team players attending Honeywell.

This Coming Summer

Apart from the London v Poynton game and Honeywell’s progress in the National Pop Lacrosse Tournament, our programme will take short break – a chance for everyone to re – charge. We will restart the programme in the first week of June with midweek sessions either after school or early evening – playing Pop Lacrosse. These sessions will be open to everyone to give new players a chance to pick up basic skills and for the rest of us to remember which end of the stick we are supposed to use.

In early July we will have a couple of sessions with field equipment and close with a game just before the summer holiday break. Details will be distributed closer to the start of this section of our programme.

Next Season

We will be running two groups – Under 12’s (everyone up to and including Year 7s) and Under 14/15’s. The current Year 5 group will become the senior players in our Under 12 Team and the players currently in Year 7 will be able to move up to the next age group where they will find a greater challenge.

Field Lacrosse coaching sessions will start at the beginning of September with the season proper starting in early October. Details will again be distributed closer to the start of this section of our programme.