Spencer vs East Grinstead Match Report 8/11/14

This week marked the start of a new era for the Earlsfield powerhouse of Spencer Lacrosse Club. Investment in the finest goals on the market meant the team had to arrive early this week to erect the German engineered masterpieces. After a longer time than should have been needed the goals were up and ready to go with Jonny “self proclaimed Tinder specialist” Clarke arriving just in time to offer no help at all.

After a few test shots in all the corners to check the top shelf is really where grandma keeps the cookie jar and with exponentially more misses the nets were ready to go for the big day. The question on everyones mind was who was to make history and buy themselves two straight pints with the first goal in the new nets?!

There were a few obvious contenders with the Spencer attack trio of Eddie Vita, Rob Holmes and Craig “Greggs the Baker” Loeber lining up this week, but the prize was anyones for the taking.

As the East Grinstead boys arrived with only 10 players after their big summer clearout, having to cut their wage bill and letting go of their old fans favourite Ed Shee who recently transferred to the Sparrows, it would be a tough task for EG to come out top.

After the formalities from southern lacrosse stalwart, referee Pete Compton, and the other ref, the first quarter began.

The game started with Spencer winning the ball straight of the face and with a few quick slick passes the ball fell to the mid price alternative from the bookies Ed Shee to take the first goal but with subdued celebrations for the recent signing from EG.

After the first it wasn’t long before the next goal went in after some fine movement from the Spencer attack. A number of goals had been scored within the first 10 minutes and EG were yet to gain possession outside of their own half. With a number of plays being used Rob “Still on gardening leave?!” Holmes and Eddie Vita started to rack up the scoring to end the first quarter 8-0 to Spencer.

The 2nd quarter began in a similar fashion with Spencer showing no signs of stepping off the gas, and the goals started coming from all over the field including Tom “Twenty plus One“ Leahy breaking up the field to be fed on the crease by fellow defenseman Will Barrie to then finish in the bottom corner.

The return of Spencer veteran Rob “Powerhouse” Arnott got on the score sheet with a classic leftie drive from up top. The continued dominance in midfield from Tim “Slowest Drinker” Holdsworth and Rob “Why do we call him Bunny??” McAlhone winning all the ground balls left EG with little to no chances and the first half finishing 13-0.

With the distinct tenacious style of Sacha “The Crab” Stout winning the face-offs in the centre and the defenders taking it in turns to clean up from the wings the dominance of Spencer possession continued into 3rd quarter. This lead to 5 more goals including a couple from Will “Home-grown Talent” Walker and Ed Shee adding to his tally, with EG only having limited opportunities to try and crack the enigma of  Tom Bailey and the Spencer defence. Spencer ending the 3rd quarter with 18 unanswered goals.

The 4th quarter began with calls for more teamwork in attack to work on some training ground moves as the game was all but won at this point. East Grinstead putting up a valiant effort and an opportunity arose when Spencers Will “Rat Boy” Barrie took a minute penalty for slash. This allowed EG captain Tony to get a shot off and just slip one past Bone in goal who had been impenetrable up to this point despite Rick Bone having previously had a trip out of the crease to tease the EG boys with a few twists and turns. However for Spencer the goals kept flowing with the final score 22-2, a resounding win to maintain the unbeaten run and retain Spencers top spot in the table.

After the game the team were readily awaiting invites to Cam “Birthday Party for 1” Leslies big bash but with him making a swift exit he was swiftly forgotten as everyone stayed to take part in a classic Spencer club evening of Michelin starred chilli and twenty plus one. A special mention goes out to the 2nd team fanbase for staying to watch and drink copious amounts, whilst supporting the team and joining in the post match festivities.

Scorers: Vita 5, Loeber 5, Holmes 4, Walker 2, Shee 2, Leahy 1, McAlhone 1, Arnott 1, Leslie 1.

MoM: Craig Loeber

DoD: JC, Holmes, Bone

Author – Sacha Stout