Spencer 3's 19 - 4 Imperial College

Free-scoring Spencer recovered from an early two-goal shock to completely dominate and run out comfortable winners.

The visiting students took an early two goal lead and looked pumped up for battle at King George’s but the growing confidence of the IIIs meant that the setback was temporary. A pair of well-worked goals from Sam Johnson and Jules Glover after some slick passing got Spencer on the roll and the goals just kept coming.

Its never dull at KGP and this week’s sideshow entertainment was provided by a game of cricket that kept going during the match with the players scattering every time the action came near the astro-turf wicket just outside the sideline.

There can’t be many lacrosse matches where players have had white cricket balls straying onto the pitch during play. Still it gave certain members of the team a bit of extra target practice!

Imperial were competitive in the midfield but their attack work was snuffed out by excellent defending from Bill Fisher, Toby Rule and Oscar B-T, who came up with a series of textbook checks to relieve pressure. Toby put his body, and family future, on the line to stop one shot and was rewarded with a five minute squeaky-voiced breather on the side-line before total health dropped back into place.

Ibs al-Souss and Jamie Stagg had good work-outs at face-off against the students’ two decent northern league players who provided the main threat throughout the afternoon.

Spencer continued to move the ball well and hit quarter time 5-2 up. Imperial came back after the break but Spencer produced their best lacrosse by competing hard for the ground ball, keeping possession and working the openings. Dylan Merchant had a storming game with big hits, penetrating runs and intelligent passing as Spencer moved 9-3 clear at half-time.

The game had its scrappy moments and Imperial’s debutant goalkeeper and novice defence presented opportunities that may not come in other games. But the visitors kept up their enthusiasm and work rate and kept trying to play team lacrosse.

Their leading player had high tempo and good dodges but his chances were kept to a minimum as he waltzed into a hail of metalwork from the Spencer D and was repeatedly stripped.

With inviting gaps opening up in the 3rd quarter it was hard to maintain a free-flowing passing game but the scoresheet was peppered with excellent team goals.

Sam and Jules bagged most of the scoring but there were chances for everyone and Salim claimed two good goals in a powerful team performance.

At 14-4 going into the final quarter, the win was assured but credit to Imperial for keeping at it, improving and restricting the tally to five in the last 20 minutes.

Quarter Scores: 5-2 / 9-3 / 14-4 / 19-4
Man-of-the-Match: Dylan Merchant
Scorers: Sam Johnson 8, Jules Glover 4, Dylan Merchant 2, Salim al-Souss 2, Danny Buckland, Ibs al-Souss and Jamie Stagg