Spencer 3's 13 - 9 Northampton

The driving rain, disappearing marker cones and tyre tracks from King George’s temporary residents failed to halt the 3’s powerful march to victory against a dangerous Northampton outfit.

The visitors’ defective radar and SatNav delivered them first to the Spencer Road in Wimbledon then the clubhouse before they navigated to the sodden pastures of KGP and a delayed start.

The tactic was effective as they emerged warm from their cars while the Spencer posse had spent 30 minutes getting so wet, cold and frustrated that they were sluggish in the opening few minutes. Northampton sprang to a 4-1 1st quarter lead thanks to some powerful outside shooting that caught the Lemsip Kid in goal a bit cold.

But a fast-developing team spirit gave Spencer the belief that their far more effective style of lacrosse would pay dividends… and it did. The second quarter was all purple with Pete Compton’s crafty man-up scheme working a treat and good ball retention keeping the energetic Weasels out of contention.

Compton was side-lined for this one with a broken finger-nail that has proved tricky to heal but his manicurist has confirmed that a full recovery can be expected. Phew!

Spencer also had the luxury of welcoming new recruit Ian Ballantine with the referee’s jersey. He did a great job and the Club will look forward to his legendary stickwork next week.

Ibs al-Souss was peerless at face-off winning virtually every challenge and moving the ball quickly to the supporting midfield which worked well throughout with welcome returns from from Ed Crammond and Leigh Keegan

Northampton remained a threat throughout despite Spencer’s dominance and their potent attack meant there was no relaxing. Their net-minder was also on form with a string of crucial saves that slowed the goal-tally.

But, thanks to a couple of good stops from Colin Byrne followed by a four goal burst from Sam Johnson, Spencer pulled clear in the third quarter. Nick Flew showed his experience to plunder a hat-trick as the attack gelled. The margin would have been much higher but possession was still squandered at times.

The Weasals nicked three quick goals at the start of the gloomy final quarter but Spencer had plenty in reserve and, with Sam J shredding the tiring defence at will, the victory was assured.

The IIIs must now show that they can win away from home and need to travel with massed ranks to Canterbury next week to keep the team steaming up the table.

Coach Compton should be back in uniform and Colin has gone on a strict medicinal Bacardi Breezer treatment programme to ensure the cold is nuked into submission.

Quarter Scores: 1-4 / 5-4 / 10-6 / 13-9
Man-of-the-match: Sam Johnson
Scorers: Sam Johnson 7, Nick Flew 3, Ibs al Souss 2 & Danny Buckland 1