Spencer 3's 12 - 4 University of East Anglia

The clean sweep of victories was completed by the 3’s who dominated with a pleasing balance of silky skills and hard graft.

The visitors proved tough opponents and pressed from first to last whistle but Spencer withstood the onslaught to emerge worthy winners and begin to build understanding between players.

King George’s park is Ground Ball Zero with a bounce as unpredictable as the stock market and both teams struggled to latch onto anything that went astray. It made for a messy game in the first half but clinical passing and movement always kept us ahead.

Spencer were 2-1 up at the 1st quarter and moved to 5-2 at halftime with the students chasing the game as the midfield and attack started to find great rhythm. UEA upped the hit count in the second half in a bid to dislocate the free-flowing lacrosse but the Spencer D became the Purple People Eaters as they dealt with the threat.

The team demonstrated progress from the 1st game when possession was wasted as they started to move the ball around sweetly and intelligently. Defective radar and some good goalie work held the score down but Sam Johnson was having big fun in the sun as he repeatedly sliced through their defence to bag five goals.

The face-off work of Jamie Stagg and Ibs al Souss was massive against much bigger and stronger opponents and Ben McLellan had another good game making transition seem kids play.

Dylan Merchant & Salim as Souss relished the midfield challenge as Spencer moved to a commanding 9-3 lead at the end of the 3rd Q.

The students, whose most experienced player only had three years lacrosse, were always enthusiastic and threatening but by now Spencer were purring and the final goal was a perfect lacrosse lesson. Toby Rule, who had an excellent game throughout, shrugged off two attackers and win the ground ball then found support and the ball moved lightning quick through four players before Sam completed the textbook strike.

Quarter Scores: 2-1 / 5-2 / 9-3 / 12-4

Scorers: Sam Johnson 5, Ibs 2, Ben 2, Nick 2, Jamie 1