Spencer 2's 15 - 1 Spencer 3's

With both the 2’s and 3’s scheduled games not played this gave Spencer the opportunity to play the postponed game from earlier in the season with the older & wiser 2’s pitted against the younger & exciting 3’s team. To allow other postponed games to be rescheduled, this game was played for double points – more spice if any was required.

The scoreline does not reflect the end-to-end nature of this game. The referee had to run just as hard as the players as the ball moved quickly through transition as both teams had strong legs in midfield. The difference was that generally the 2’s developed a high percentage shooting chance from their attacks while the 3’s were a little off-form and gave the ball away cheaply too often.

The first half witnessed some quality goals from the 2’s, while the second half was much closer and the 2’s got the goal they deserved midway through the final quarter.

MoM: The 2’s midfield trio of Sam, Stevie & Ollie
DoD: Nick Flew (for tripping over his own stick)
Quarter scores: 3-0 / 8-0 / 11-0 / 15-1
2’s Scorers: Nick Flew (4), Andrew Mottershead (3), Sam Cox (3), Alex Lee (2), Oliver Tilley (2) & Stevie Schumacher (1)
3’s Scorers: Jules Glover (1)