Spencer 1st team taste Flags victory against Hillcroft

The season has officially started with a 11-2 victory over Hillcroft in the Flags competition

For a chance we had more players than the opposition, which of course helped our cause, but Hillcroft are fairly well organised and have plenty of energy!

It took quality attacking to start the score ticking over and both Hillcroft goals were in the first quarter – probably due to the defence being asleep (I’ll accept one of the goals…). Most of the short-sticks bagged a goal, that’s got to be a good thing. By the 4th qtr, Alan was getting itchy feet at the back and made a foray up front, with long stick. Alas he also scored and it was quite sweet.

Must mention a thanks to Alex Lee and Jake Jones for cheering us on in the rain. Hope to see you guys on the pitch again soon.