Southern Area Tournament 2002

Southern Area Tournament, Reading 11am.

The “South” area came out on top (Purley, Croydon and Walcountian Blue) and crowned “King of the South”!

Alas I had taken my camera to the Southern Area Tournament this year and got snapshots of this ugly trio! Not shown are Alex Lee and myself (Robert Gooch) who also played.

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Usual format as previous years with four southern areas playing a round-robin league followed by a final. However this year’s areas and squads were slightly tweaked to accommodate player numbers.

North – Just Oxford, they had loads of players so stayed as one team.
South – Purley, Croydon and Walcountian Blues.
East – Hitchin, Buckhurst Hill, Cambridge and everyone else.
West – Reading, Bath, one player from Hampstead and the five from Spencer.

Our adopted team, the “West”, started well with a solid victory against the “East” (Score: 10-2). This was followed with a hard fought (5-5) draw against Oxford (the “North”). Our final league match was against the “South”, probably bookies favourite as the start of the day. It was close all the way, with the “South” coming out winners (4-2). The final match-up would depend on if the “North” could beat the “East” by enough goals to overtake us into second place. They didn’t so the final was another encounter with the “South”.

The final was all square at half time (2-2), but with the light failing and the legs and lungs fading, the “South” were that bit stronger and after a late flurry of goals came out decisive winners. I think the final score was about (9-2) but I could be wrong.

This event also doubles as the England South trials for which an “Under 25’s” squad is being compiled to play against an Under 19’s team at some point soon – more on that when I get it.

Overall an enjoyable day (bar the final result). It is hoped this annual event will become a show-piece for Lacrosse in the South. Next year the four area format will remain, but back to it’s original structure of London, Home Counties, West and East.