Season Review - Seniors

1st Team

Up in the Premier Division, the Spencer 1st team finished a very credible 4th place in a division that gets stronger each season. An early exit in the flags at the hands of Hampstead was a disappointment.

The 1st team were stretched during the second half of the season with injuries ruling out a few key players, especially in defence, and were forced to play with no long-stick players for two games (and played very well). Rob Arnott and Ben Thompson played some excellent short stick defence in front of the always dependable Conrad Olson between the pipes.

At the other end of the pitch Greg Lazarus and Mark Jones led the attack and formed an excellent balance with Greg often working the outside with Mark finding time and space inside to finish many a well worked team goal.

With a full complement of squad players fit and ready for the 2010/11 season, the 1st team will be challenging a top three finish this season.

2nd Team

[![](]( Division Two Champions 2009/10 – Spencer 2nd Team Captain Nick Flew collects the trophy
The 2009/10 season ended on a high with the 2nd team gaining promotion into East Division One after an unbeaten league campaign. Two nail biting single goal victories over Northampton in March proved to be the difference as both teams dominated the division.

The list of those who played in the 2nd team squad this season shows a mix of youth and experience – many of whom will be again in action this season. However missing will be both Louis Villard and Brett Tucker who are both no longer in the UK.

3rd Team

The Spencer 3rd team achieved their number one objective; a solid mid-table finish. Due to the 2’s and 3’s being in the same flags competition, the 3’s did not enter the knockout competition. Things will be different next season so they’ll be looking for a long cup run.

The 3’s fielded a fairly consistent core squad and pushed the better teams all the way. Colin Byrne in goal had one of his best seasons. The defence and midfield showed a new found level of composure and fitness. An area for improvement is in attack. Everyone could do with shooting practice. The 3rd team are not expected to rain in the goals but upping the shot/goal ratio is essential for next season.