Pre-Season - How are things shaping up?

With three pre-season events down and two to go, it’s worth looking to see how Spencer are shaping up for the coming season.

Bath 8’s Tournament

The 1st team put in a decent performance at the annual Bath 8’s tournament, winning 4 games, losing 2. One of those defeats was a narrow defeat and a game they felt they should of closed out but 8’s lacrosse is fast frantic stuff and a game can be won or lost in seconds. The Bath 8’s quality is such that a 4-2 record is not enough to make the quarter finals these days. However everyone travelled back to London happy with their personal performances during the usual enjoyable trip down to the west country.

Spencer vs Welwyn

On the same Saturday as the Bath 8’s, back in London, a mixed Spencer 2’s and 3’s squad hosted Welwyn. The game was played at a leisurely pace to allow some young and novice players sufficient time on the ball, and to avoid any pre-season injuries. The goal tally did not matter but I think Welwyn sneaked it by a couple. Then we went to the pub.

Walcountian Blues vs Spencer (2 games)

Last Saturday we all travelled down to Walcountian Blues for a brace of games. First up was a game for 2nd and 3rd team players and Spencer looked good, even with regular goalkeepers Colin Byrne and Neil White playing outfield. The only new face on display was LDO Kohl Meyer who ran a few midfield lines but clearly had to hold himself back against the lesser opposition as could of scored at will. Regardless of his influence though, Spencer were the better team on the day.

The second game was for 1st and 2nd team players and Spencer ran out 13-8 winners. New faces were Kohl (this time playing it 100%) and Oliver in midfield plus Jarad in attack. All performed well with Spencer the better team front to back which bodes well for the opening league game on Saturday 6th October.

Remaining Pre-Season Action

Next up in pre-season sees Hillcroft visit us at King George’s Park. 12pm game for 2nd and 3rd team players followed by one for 1st and 2nd at 2pm. For the final Saturday before the season we have a training session for 1st team players at 12pm, to nail set-plays, followed by the visit of Epsom to play a mixed 2nd and 3rd’s team. All the action again on King George’s Park.