League Week 7: Buckhurst Hill 4 - 13 Spencer 2's

Solid performance against Buckhurst Hill saw Spencer 2’s run out convincing 13 v 4 winners in a very enjoyable game. Despite the scoreline, Bucks put up a very good fight and will certainly improve before our next meeting.

Spencer’s defence were dependable as ever and until the last quarter Bucks really struggled to create many clear cut chances, resorting to outside shots which both keepers dealt with well.

Midfield and attack put together a good performance with good ball movement and plenty of work off the ball to create the openings. Luke was ever threatening and led the tally in terms of assists and James Sweetman impressed with a brace of goals including the goal of the match – a solo effort, taking the ball from the Spencer restrainer to the Bucks goal.

Sho took Man of the Match. His first half performance was matched equally by some great keeping from Neil in the second half.

DoD had been pre-awarded to Sam J for not turning up (he woke up in the wrong house). However the panel decided that Nick deserved it more for a round the shoulder goal and an alleged attempt at a crease dive (think “Air Whale” rather than “Air Gait”) however he has demanded a second opinion from the video ref on this.

Quarter Scores: 0-3 / 1-7 / 1-10 / 4-13

Spencer scorers; #17 x 7, #15 x 2, #5 x 1, #20 x 2, #11 x 1

Cardiff 8 – 11 Spencer

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