League Week 4: Spencer 3's 12 - 2 Cambridge University

The 11 men in Spencer 3’s colours waited patiently on King George’s Park for the arrival of Cambridge Uni, who had phoned ahead to say they were having traffic issues. All were wrapped up warm as an icy northern wind blew across the lumpy pitch. All except new player Harley who arrived in a T-shirt, with a spare one in his bag “in case it got cold”.

8 light blues arrived, with a final car load still in traffic. It was agreed to start the game at 2:30pm as an 8-a-side, then switch to full lacrosse when Cambridge had their full squad. A generous gesture from the home team who could of won the game in the first quarter with a two-man advantage – but that’s not the spirit of lacrosse in East Division Two. As it happened, the entre 1st quarter was played 8-a-side and Spencer closed it out with a 4-0 advantage.

The much delayed final 4 Cambridge players included their goalkeeper and long sticks so when the 2nd quarter started it was much more of an even battle. Cambridge scored early in the period (Cambridge #18) so everyone from the home team had to re-focus. Cambridge were now organised and looked a completely different team.

Spencer kept the scoreboard ticking thanks to massive energy from the nippy midfield trio of James, Gavin and Harley. Their work rate got the ball up to the attack where the experience of Nick and Andrew pulls the strings to open up the Cambridge defence. Another on debut for Spencer was Francesco who sparkled with great athletic movement, solid stick skills and finished 3 lovely assists from Nick, plus grabbed a solo goal late in the game.

LSM Ben had a great battle with Cambridge’s American middie #9 limiting him to low percentage outside shots and nearly a shut-out. He scored midway through the 4th quarter but by then Spencer had iced the game.

In defence, Spencer were organised and individually better man-for-man than the Cambridge attack.

Andrew finished top scorer with six but it could of been a different game if not for the efforts of the midfield and LSM.

Spencer 3’s were;
Colin Byrne, Toby Rule, Chris Jones, Richard Morley, Ben McLellan, Gavin Park, James Sweetman, Harley Cole (1 goal), Francesco Sacchi (4), Nick Flew (1) and Andrew Mottershead (6)