League Week 4: Cambridge University 10 - 0 Spencer 2's

After the game Cambridge filed a compliant to SEMLA citing that Spencer had fielded illegible players. Spencer responded believing we had done no wrong but we had unknowingly broken bye-law 7gii so the game has been awarded to Cambridge. It’s true to say we’ll put this wrong right when we play them in London in February.

Cambridge University 6 – 11 Spencer II

For the first time this term the seconds put together an all round performance and ran out comfortable 11 vs 6 winners against Cambridge University.

The brief was simple – repeat the defensive performance from the first two games and add to it by retaining possession and creating well worked goal scoring opportunities. To add a bit of spice we had Cambridge old boy Jamie Muir Wood keen to mark his return to his alma mater with a win and recent Oxford graduate Fred Snowball keeping the dark blue / light blue rivalry alive – both had excellent games.

We started strongly, soaking up some early pressure from the Cambridge attack and taking our chances when we had them in order to build a 4 vs 0 lead at quarter time.

We expected Cambridge to come back fighting but when they did they met a very well organised defence (long sticks and middies alike) who steered the play round the outside and gave very little away in the middle. Sho had a fantastic game in goal, dealing with the outside shots and coming up with some awesome saves at close quarters.

The midfield and attack put together some good plays and the eleven goals were well earned with a number coming from fast breaks. This was the difference from the first two games. The Cambridge keeper had a good game and frustrated us on several other clear cut goal scoring opportunities when we might otherwise have expected to finish.

Sho was a clear winner of man of the match and Sam just edged out Bill for DoD.