League Week 2: Spencer 7 - 4 Welwyn

This is Welwyn’s third season in the Premiership and ever since they were promoted into the league they have been tough opposition. They are a fit and well drilled team and we lost to them on both occasions last season so we weren’t taking this fixture lightly.

Our fears of a tough game were realised almost immediately when Welwyn’s midfield LDO made a fast drive across the top of goal and ripped a screaming shot from the restraining line in the the bottom corner of the goal. But it was only a false start from Spencer as they quickly equalised, and with the help of Moose’s domination of the face offs, scored another 4 answered goals to end the quarter 5-1 up.

Spencer’s 5 goals it didn’t mean that Welwyn didn’t have any chances. They had plenty of possession in the first quarter but Spencer’s defence quickly got the measure of their offence. Spencer were quick to switch long sticks onto the most dangerous attacking players and applied a constant pressure that never allowed Welwyn to settle.

Once Spencer got the 4 goal lead in the first quarter they were happy to control the pace of the game. The Welwyn defence didn’t make it easy to keep possession. Welwyn had plenty of opportunities but Spencer’s defence was on top form. Welwyn managed to score the only goal of the second quarter with a good feed to the crease but were still down by 3 goals at half time.

With the strength in defence and a 3 goal lead Spencer didn’t have to rush to goal and with more steady play they won the 3rd quarter 2-1.

Welwyn scored a single goal in the final quarter to end the game 7-4. Although the score was relatively close Spencer’s defence had controlled the game and made Spencer’s win much more comfortable than it might look on paper.

Man of the Match went to Ben McLellen.

Quarter Scores: 5-1 / 5-2 / 7-3 / 7-4