League Week 14: Spencer 14 - 3 Walcountian Blues

Spencer vs Blues is always a rather masive fixture in the lacrosse calendar. Both teams are at the top of the table and a Blues loss will dent their ambition of winning the league. Thankfully the deluge of snow melted to allow this to be one of the only fixtures played in the South.

The game started at a quick pace with Spencer notching up an early lead with some composed play. One could say the goals were scored in a faster time than it would take to solicit sex from a young and approachable Croydon based hussy. The Blues at this point were looking shell shocked and surely must have expected the game to be tighter.

The Spencer attack was having a very effective game. Sam ‘smack down’ Dunwoody was scoring from some impressive angles. An accurate reflection would be shooting a urban youth from a considerable distance. Rob ‘DotD pint dodger’ Homes scored throughout the game and Jarrad ‘learn to play lacrosse dick head!” Pengrazio grabbed more glory playing at the x position. It was an excellent display.

The game was a fine exhibition of lacrosse and Spencer had a considerable lead by half time. By maintaining the impressive start it would be difficult to see how the Blues would be able to come back into the game or the league.

Spencer knew as they entered the third quarter they needed to stick to basics. They battled hard in midfield but still maintained the flair to score the goals required.

Kohl ‘if only I could seal the deal in Croydon’ Myer, Max ‘please hit me some more’ Sandy, Will ‘leg poppin’ Walker, Cameron ‘hoover’ Leslie and Joe ‘you still using that towel?’ Darkins all working hard all game.”

The Blues with nothing to lose at this point really tried to test the defence. As an organised unit they tried to work the ball but rarely tested Spencers goal.

Blues even had a number of man up opportunities however Spencer remained organised and put the pressure back on the Blues. The defence on the day was impressive, I’m being truthful my close ghetto relative.”

Jonny ‘don’t f*ck we me, I’m qualified’ Clark, Ant ‘lemsip’ Kirkwood, Alan ‘let’s touch ass’ Keeley and Roo ‘I’ll check anything’ Cheetham would all be handy fellows if I was in a spot of bother and played an impressive game with lots of talk.

On the day, Rick Bone had a great display and only let in three goals. He’s a shining example of a primed athlete when having been deprived of sleep. I hope you heartily agree with my previous statement

The game finished 15 – 3 in Spencers favour which showed the difference between the two teams and should open the league for Spencer if there are no slip-ups, let me generically reaffirm myself. Spencer need to maintain their focus in order to collect the silverware at the end of the season.

Goodbye till next time and I feel comfortable in your presence

Bruv, dis game iz gonna b jungle. Top table ya hearing me. Sparrowz choosin in or out. Dis ty iz unique from da freeze.

Boom boom! Dose sparroz r rufless! Dem goals iz fasta dan ma slammin dat ho last nite. Da Blues need protection, innit.

Dat Dunwoody iz ripping it. He kud cap a homie from far, innit. Homez iz scorin for fun bruv and Jazza is bossin from da back. Sick.

Haaf time was a display. Nuff respect to da Sparroz. More ov da ruff stuff ‘n’ we’ll b talkin RIP Blues.

Da sparroz were keepin it real but koated ‘n’ bling! Da midfield was rioting hard ‘n’ mixin it up. Da boyz were rough ridin propa.

Bluez waz trying to shank da D. Sum shifty movez waz goin down, but da nest held strong. Dispite sum low numbas Bluez was shakin. Da poles waz powerin honest blood!

Da D can bak me up all day. Oh my dayz!

Da Bone man was tight after long night, nowt-im-sayin.

Different sidz and end of da line, innit. Stay sharp ‘n’ da playaz gonna play.


![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/SpencerBluesJan13-01.jpeg)The first face-off. Alan (far), Kohl and Max (near) primed for action.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/SpencerBluesJan13-02.jpeg)Kohl tracking Blues #25 but Alan (#2) is already lining him up for a take-down.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/SpencerBluesJan13-03.jpeg)Blues get a sniff on goal but the ball pops out under pressured defence.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/SpencerBluesJan13-04.jpeg)Max (#52) and Kohl are in acres of space, or maybe they should be back defending?
Thanks to **Danny Buckland** (Epsom) for the match photos.