League Week 10: Spencer 11 - 9 Hampstead

Oh yeah! Big game day at the Spencer arena on Super Special Saturday, with a top of the table clash between the big guns of Hampstead and the favorites, the Spencer Sparrows. This mouth watering affair is brought to you in full technicolor and stereo sound! Join us after the break for the face off.

“If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club”

Right, this is the game we’ve all been waiting for. If Hampstead win, then this puts them back in the title race on even points to Spencer. If Spencer win then they go two clear wins ahead of Hampstead and the league is their’s to lose.

And were off, with Kohl “bone cruncher” Meyer facing off on this cold but sunny day.

The early forays into the respective opposition half are showing the quality of the two teams. Slick passing and organised defending. Hampstead on the attack at the moment and they…..boom! Early shot and Hampstead take the lead! Not against the run of play. Is this going to be the pattern of the game? Spencer can’t be happy with having to chase the game from the start but they are by no means out of it.

Spencer on the attack now, a sweet move, and SLAMS the ball home! Great reply from the Sparrows to put them back on level terms. Captain Liam “I’m not Americanist but……” McGreavy must be happy with that.

Spencer certainly threatening at this stage and passing smoothly. They are controlling the tempo. It will be…..oooohhhhhh weeeee you better pick that one out! He launched that ball like a bucking bronco right into the goal. Spencer are up for the first time. Let’s see how long the lead lasts.

Well its time for Hampstead to start asking themselves questions. The great thing about this game is it comes down too who wants the league more? A simple head to head and Hampstead are looking for revenge after being knocked out of the flags three weeks prior. Its all to play for.

Spencer are currently domination possession and showing why they are top of the league. Max “entourage” Sandy goes for the ground ball and ohhhhhhhh, that’s a strong check and not without violent intent. Sandy’s on the ground and this doesn’t look good. As a Spencer talisman, this would not bode well for the rest of the game. But he’s finally up. Brave soldier. Some ice and deep heat and he’ll be good as new. His dad didn’t even blink. Must be a chip off the old block.

One point to note early on is the battle between Jonny “Yankee basher” Clarke and their big number 0. Uncharacteristically the Hampstead attacker is having no luck barging past Clarke as the equal and opposing forces are cancelling each other out. Great stats there, great stats.

The defence are looking good with Alan “ear-drum ‘n’ bass” Keeley, Ant “not so superman shot” Kirkwood, Roo “silent but deadly” Cheetham and Clarke all at the back. With Hampstead’s class though, they are still looking dangerous and have shown they can score.

Great work by Spencer…..Yes! Great finish. Spencer extend then lead just before the end of the quarter. This is a roll! Spencer sitting pretty at 3 – 1. Time for a quarter break, we’ll be right back after the commercials.

“Bang and the dirt is gone!”

Spencer had a great first quarter slipping in three but Hampstead showed their ability. The game is there for the taking and Hampstead are upping the physical side. Could this be the determining factor?

Restart with spencer mixing up the face as Hampstead are proving difficult on the draw. Once again this looks like Spencer’s quarter.

What composure! Spencer extend the lead again with Hampstead only managing a couple of goals. Holmes increasing his tally for the game. Jarrad “Aussie minority” Pangrazio sticking another in the net.

At 6 – 3 to Spencer, could the game be slipping away from Hampstead? There will have to be a change in approach to breach the Sparrow nest. Time for the half time break, be right back!

“Go compare! Go compare!”

Welcome back to the big Saturday game. The crowd are getting tense and the quality of lacrosse is top notch and Robin “are you Mr Fozzy?” Foster is getting tipsy. The finish is looking tighter than Kohl’s leggings.

Hampstead are looking more threatening now and move the ball down to one of their big attackers who runs, and…….wow. Quick snap of the wrists and its squeezed in from no where. Spencer are starting to look a bit shaky.

Hampstead’s James Mitchell now on the attack and rips a shot from outside and Keeley takes it full force! Keely’s down and it looks like he took it in the face. The boy loves a facial but it’s not like Keeley to stay down on the ground and it’s a worrying sign. This takes me back to when I was commenting on him puncturing his lung. He’s up but he’s looking shaken. This lad wants the league for sure.

The action restarts and its two, three, four and five goals to the west London club this quarter. This is a bad spell and this puts Hampstead back in the lead and right back in contention for the league. This game is a seesaw and it could go either way. Time for a quarter break and we’ll return with the final gripping conclusion to this crucial game.

“Au du changing room, a new scent from Kirkwood’s kit bag. On sale at a pound land near you”

With Hampstead in the lead and this momentum they could take the league from here.

Spencer come out of the blocks with all guns blazing and grab an early goal but Hampstead pull another back. Still a long way to go in this game but time is running out for Spencer. The Sparrows are looking like a different team to the last quarter though and have a different belief.

Spencer get a man down opportunity and can they capitali……Max Sandy! with the low to high top shelf ripper. Did I see the goal lift off the ground? Can Spencer get another? Who knows.

Max Sandy on the run and Hampstead are looki……boom. This shakes the whole game up. Spencer draw level and they certainly have the momentum. Hampstead have suddenly gone very quiet.

Jarrad smashes Spencer into the lead. This is a bit of a blur and where have these goals come from? with the goal to take the sparrows into the lead.

With some more goals on the score sheet, Spencer take the game and look likely to take the league. Thats a great win both on paper and on the pitch. For the neutral it had everything. For the fan there was either heart break or tears of joy.

In retrospect was the result ever in doubt? But there is stil work to do to make sure the league is Spencer’s.