League: Spencer 13 - 4 Bath

A satisfying, if not electrifying win before the Christmas break.

On a clear and crisp day the low December sun was an issue for the first part of this game but neither team really used it as a shooting advantage. Instead it was a hinderance for accurate passing and most goals were scored down the other end of the pitch.

It was an odd game really, Spencer soon opening up a decent lead (half-time was 8-2) and Bath never really got going. A win was on the cards too quickly and in parts we got a bit sloppy and either missed a good scoring chance or fell asleep at the back and gave Bath a sniff at our goal.

Although Bath battled, hustled and had a good share of possession, the stronger Spencer squad was the key difference. Our goals came from midfield (Jesse, Will and Matt) and attack (Peter, Nick and Alex). Dan Hughes won nearly every face-off and the long-sticks were never under real pressure. But we still needed to score goals and build a lead. For that, Alex Eble showed the way with 5 goals, plenty of assists and a well deserved man-of-the-match award.

After the game was the senior team Christmas dinner. For once this was a civilised affair with wives and girlfriends seeing us on best behaviour…well at least for the first few hours anyway. Dinner was courtesy of the Treehouse in Barnes where the beer and wine was flowing nicely. Before we knew where we were it was time to hit Clapham and some bar called Arch. Good time had by all and some pictures will be posted in a few days for your appreciation.

Spencer were;
Colin Byrne, Rob Gooch, Matt Blom, Jesse Churchward (1 goal), Alan Keeley, Glen Gardener, Stephen Greszczyszyn, Dan Hughes, Arun Anandasegar, Matt Osgood (1) Colin Rutter, Will Walker (2), Peter Sayia (3), Nick Flew (1), Alex Eble (5), Andrew Mottershead