League: Spencer 11 - 9 Oxford University

A cracking game, alas in more ways than one. After just 45 seconds one of the Oxford middies slipped while defending and he fell amongst a couple of players. Result, a broken leg just above the ankle. A very unlucky and painful injury. We wish him a swift and full recovery.

After a lengthy pause to sort the injury and to get emergency services on the scene the game restarted and was close all the way. At the end of each quarter the scores were tied, with it 7-7 at the start of the 4th.

Oxford have two or three real danger players mixed in with a healthy looking squad. Yes they should be fit and fast being lazy students but their game play was also very tidy. The deciding factor was probably Spencer’s face-off demon, Dan Hughes. Dan won all but one face-off and when you are guaranteed possession like that it makes everything much easier. A well deserved man of the match award.

Really pleasing to see nearly every short stick registering on the score sheet this week. Only Arun missed out, but he had minimal game time as he is still new to the team.

Spencer had a golden period midway through the 4th quarter and built a three goal lead which proved decisive. Oxford got one back with a powerful and direct fast break but time was slipping away. With 30 seconds left, Dan Hughes won the final face-off, offloaded to Colin Rutter who chewed up the remaining time with his signature move, running around the edge of the pitch playing ‘catch me’.

Spencer were;
Colin Byrne, Matt Blom, Mike Goodman, Craig Simkin, Rob Gooch, Jesse Churchward, Dan Hughes (1 goal), Colin Rutter (1), Will Walker (1), Peter Sayia (1), Alex Lee (1), Arun Anandasegar, Nick Flew (1), Alex Eble (4), Mark Davies (1)