Flags Semi-Final vs Penarth - Cardiff Drinking Report

The Cast

![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-alan.jpg "Alan Keeley")Alan Keeley
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-jason.jpg "Jason Byrne")Jason Byrne
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-colin.jpg "Colin Rutter")Colin Rutter
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-keith.jpg "Keith Robertson")Keith Robertson
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-jeff.jpg "Jeff Sinclair")Jeff Sinclair
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-matt.jpg "Matt Blom")Matt Blom
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-glen.jpg "Glen Gardener")Glen Gardener
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-pete-rob.jpg "Rob Gooch & Pete Duckworth")Rob Gooch & Pete Duckworth
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-cliff.jpg "Cliff Hide")Cliff Hide
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff.jpg "Cardiff")…on location in Cardiff!
## The Action
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-eyesdown.jpg)Cardiff girls
After the 7-6 victory over Penarth, it was time for the squad to hit the mean streets of Cardiff and see what it had to offer. Alas we could not all stay over as some of the team had to get back to London.

Turns out Cardiff has a lot to offer! A street full of bars, plus with Wales winning another rugby match and the Carling Cup final the following day, a good atmosphere. Plus it was not just groups of lads, the girls were out in force too!

![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-warmingup.jpg)Warming up nicely
First stop was the “Life” bar for some warm-up drinking.

Not a great selection of beers on offer, only Fosters or Kronenburg for the lager fans and John Smiths for bitter drinkers. However plenty of things to add to Red Bull so most of the team were happy. However those who had opted out of eating anything were in need of a Guinness for some nutrition.

![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-beers.jpg)Drinks and more drinks
More beers was the call as the bar started to fill up and the pace of the night began to rise.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-groove.jpg)Getting our groove on…
Before we knew it, the place was packed – time to get a groove on!
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-artistic.jpg)Strike a pose Colin Rutter
We found some cowgirls on our travels around the bar which was interesting, also some school girls, some nuns and some mingers – more on them later.
Come around midnight the Red Bull was kicking in, but not for Keith. He had come down to play the game from Glasgow, so was feeling it a bit by now. Now that’s commitment to lacrosse!
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-morebeers.jpg)More beers for Alan Keeley
Meanwhile Alan and Glen hunted down two local ladies and they appeared to be getting on famously.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-keith-alan-glen.jpg)Keith suffering. Glen was happy.
About 1 am, just as the night was reaching a climax, Glen decided we need to move somewhere else. Why? Well this place shuts at 2pm and Glen’s heard a place over the road that’s open until 4am. Like fools we follow him.

So out of a really good bar and into a s**thole of a nightclub. Anyway it served more beers, but within five minutes we knew what Glen was up to – he’d been given a promise from the previous place, and promptly got right to it!

![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-glensgirl.jpg)Glen was on a promise…
Kicking out time meant finding a taxi amongst the war-zone that is Cardiff city centre after a Saturday night; casualties lying on every street corner, food and recycled food littering the streets, but the atmosphere was still good as we hunted for late night kebabs before getting back out to the M4 Ibis hotel where we were all staying.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-kebab.jpg)Kebab action
Depending on which room you were staying in you either got some sleep, or not! Top tip to remember is lock your room door before crashing out, otherwise you’ll get photos taken which might be misunderstood.
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-sleep1.jpg)Jeff Sinclair with Colin Rutter
Overall a top night had by all. Well done to Glen for sorting the hotel at late notice. Not so well done Glen for your choices on the night, but we forgive you. Roll on the next away game at Penarth…
![](http://www.spencerlax.co.uk/images/cardiff-sleep2.jpg)Rob and Matt – such a sweet couple!
Words: Rob, Pictures: Jeff & Glen, for everything else there’s Mastercard!