Christmas Night Out 2004 - Spencer vs Stella

Saturday witnessed Spencer vs. Stella in Clapham Common which saw the Spencer team victorious, but it was not all plain sailing.

1st Quarter

The face-off was 2pm, but as usual the Spencer team arrived in drips and draps. Mark Davies and myself were able to fend off any early Stella attacking play with some cheeky pints of Guinness. Alan then arrived to sure-up the midfield. Not long after that Spencer were at full strength – well nearly full strength – Colin Rutter was only 25% fit on arrival!

At the end of the 1st quarter, the game was even, both teams were showing good form and the atmosphere was building.

2nd Quarter

For the 2nd quarter, Bobby ‘Dazzler’ Elias raised the stakes with the ’13 cups’ play. In this power-play formation the Stella team was allowed to field 13 pints which had to be downed based on the turn of a playing card. The bookies has Stella down to win this period, but the Spencer team, led the way by Bobby, showed them who’s boss!

3rd Quarter

The 3rd quarter saw Stella draw level on points. The attraction of Man Utd on the telly was the only excuse half the team needed to slow the drinking, while the rest of us played another ‘made up as he went along’ Bobby card related drinking game. At this time, the effects of the Stella in the 2nd quarter were taking their toll. Alan was first to fumble a ground ball but at least he moved the play to the edge of the pitch (the toilet). Once another player followed up with a ground ball fumble in the middle of the crease, it was time to leave the pub!

![]( Byrne and Alan Keeley
### 4th Quarter

For the 4th quarter, the game moved down the road to the curry house, arrangements courtesy by Glen. The walk helped those who were struggling and we polished off a cracking curry in no time, plus a few more beers. One top tip for this time of an evening is not to let Glen speak to your girlfriend on the phone, even if she is across the Atlantic. Jon spent a good 20 minutes repairing the damage outside.


After the curry I had to bail out as I had a 90 minute trip to get home. After missing my train by about 30 seconds, I found a horizontal position at Euston station for 50 minutes waiting for the next one. I left the others (minus Leigh who had also bailed) to explore the sights and sounds of Clapham. I spoke to Matt about 11:30 and the game was heading for sudden death overtime. Matt and Glen were still up for it, I think some others were now feeling the early pace. I trust everyone completed the game with no long term injuries.

Final Score: Spencer 14 – 13 Stella (in overtime)